Casa de Corazón – Rochester recently celebrated their one-year anniversary. In this interview with KTTC, Wendy and Alex Letran discuss Casa’s unique Spanish immersion program and go over the details of the special anniversary event.
Young children are full of curiosity, wonder, and energy. If you are looking for home activities for toddlers or learning activities for young children, this guide will give you ideas for playing with your child. Check out our previous blog post to explore fun indoor activities! Three Fun Outdoor Activities Sensory and Seasonal Walks Intentional walks…
This week we enjoyed interviewing Tammy, our Financial Administrator. Tammy has been working at Casa for four and a half years. She began her time at Casa as the administrative assistant at Maple Grove where she had hands-on experience working at a Casa center. She was able to view how a center operated, the obstacles…
Casa de Corazón is proud to announce that we were one of the three winners of the 2020 EOS Core Values Contest! Over the past year, Casa has implemented the EOS Worldwide system into our leadership team and across our business. We are so proud to be recognized by an organization that we have so…