The Importance of Teaching Interculturality

“Education gives us the chance to understand that we are all tied together as citizens of the global community, and that our challenges are interconnected.” — Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General
One of our core values is Pioneering Interculturality. We want to help young children understand that the world is beautiful, and that we should strive to understand others in order to be good members of the world. The news can be filled with stories about people fighting because of contrasting ideals, about kids at school laughing at those who are different, and kids being embarrassed of their own cultures. This is why there are many great benefits from teaching about interculturality at an early age.
Benefits of Teaching Interculturality:
- When we learn a different language, there is a greater chance for appreciation and understanding. Cultural inquiry makes one interested in another’s culture, thus, developing an awareness of how people are alike and where differing points of view stem from.
- We also see increased collaboration and communication skills, helping children feel comfortable and desire working with others because of their unique perspectives. This leads to increased innovation because these points of view are integrated and create unique ideas.
- Interculturality also brings forth empathy. Children grow up learning how to thoughtfully interact with diverse populations, and understand others problems/needs.

The Casa Connection
At Casa, we place a big emphasis on interculturality in our curriculum. We are the only Spanish immersion program with original NAEYC and Parent Aware approved curriculum that is focused on 12 Latin-American countries. Our Country of the Month is a much loved program where kids learn about these countries. We are also lucky to have teachers from all over Latin-America who are eager to share their traditions and experiences.
Our parents also align themselves with this core value and is one of the reasons why they choose Casa:
“As a family that is half Russian and half Chilean, with many different customs and cultural expressions, interculturality and diversity is very important. I want my son to learn about and respect other cultures. Casa comes through in this area through the Spanish language, curriculum, amazing activities, and the daily connections my son makes with his teachers. The teachers express themselves and their culture in their work and care for their students.” – Parent at Kingfield.
“One of the divisions in our country is because kids are not used to being with people who do not look like them or share their beliefs. [Our daughter] will have a broader view of the world. I notice the effects of interculturality from them being at Casa. Our girls get very excited when they learn something new from another country, they share what they learned, and show interest. Having them learn from a young age that the world is bigger than our small town, that people look different, speak differently – will form them as a people who can help and contribute to society.” – Parent at Maple Grove.
“I love that interculturality is a celebration of all people of the world. I love learning about other people’s experiences, cultures, beliefs, and lives. When we share that with children from a young age, they learn to appreciate, accept, and celebrate all cultures – their own lives are enriched from getting to learn and participate in these traditions. I love that at Casa my children are seeing that all people are good, no one is above another, we love all, and that differences are to be shared and celebrated!” – Parent at Maple Grove.
Are you interested in owning a business that celebrates diversity and interculturality? Learn more about the Casa Franchise opportunity and fill out the inquiry form to get started on your journey to owning your own Casa!