Casa de Corazón – Rochester recently celebrated their one-year anniversary. In this interview with KTTC, Wendy and Alex Letran discuss Casa’s unique Spanish immersion program and go over the details of the special anniversary event.

Trabaja con nosotros — Aplica hoy y únete a la gran familia de Casa de Corazón.
Casa de Corazón – Rochester recently celebrated their one-year anniversary. In this interview with KTTC, Wendy and Alex Letran discuss Casa’s unique Spanish immersion program and go over the details of the special anniversary event.
Did you know Earth Day has not even been around for 100 years? The first Earth Day was actually celebrated in the United States, back in 1970. Due to its popularity and tremendous potential for change, it became an international holiday, but not until 1990. Earth Day is a product of our increasing awareness of…
Holi is one of our favorite holidays here at Casa! New teachers and students might prepare by wearing white clothing and waterproof shoes, but you truly don’t know what you’re getting yourself into until the first tiny fist, full of colored powder, starts to wind up and everyone follows. Quick flashes of color rush by,…
What are you most thankful for? Unfortunately, things do not always go our way, and it can be easy to hyper-focus on the negatives. Feeling thankful is a good practice, and studies have shown that it can boost your immunity, improve your mood, and help you sleep better! Being thankful and expressing gratitude are abstract…
It is hard to believe, but this year we are celebrating La Casita’s fifth anniversary! This book came to life as a way to promote and encourage diversity since there is a lack of representation in the children’s book industry. Thus, the creation of this book. What is La Casita? La Casita is a Casa…
Have you ever heard of Día de Todos Los Santos? Día de Todos Los Santos, or All Saints Day, is a unique holiday where individuals celebrate those who have passed away with big celebrations, flowers, and by visiting their graves. At first glance, many people think that this celebration is the same as Mexico’s Day…
When I was in sixth grade my grandpa passed away. One day he was just gone. Being a history professor, I would call him to learn about historical events we talked about in social studies, but the week that happened, I had forgotten to call. When he passed away, my parents cried in front of…
As a society, we are striving to move towards understanding and welcoming each other’s cultures. This step forward and this nationwide step towards celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a terrific benefit for our developing children, as they learn to celebrate everyone’s differences. However, throughout history, there have been policies preventing Indigenous people from fully expressing…
As a preschool that goes beyond the traditional curriculum, one of the things we aim to teach our children is social responsibility. That is why this week starting Monday, September 19th through Friday, September 23rd we are all excited to celebrate Trike-A-Thon! Trike-A-Thon is a week-long event aimed at teaching our little ones about trike…