Casa de Corazón is proud to announce that we were one of the three winners of the 2020 EOS Core Values Contest! Over the past year, Casa has implemented the EOS Worldwide system into our leadership team and across our business. We are so proud to be recognized by an organization that we have so much respect for that has also helped our business immensely!
Children should be taught the positive benefits of competition when winning and losing. While winning is associated with happiness and contentment, losing has essential lessons that can make a child a better adult. This article will share easy strategies for teaching kids about winning and managing losing. How Do You Teach Children It’s Okay to…
Cooperative learning in school has been around for decades, but it never attracted the same prominence as differentiated or blended learning. Although some people find cooperative learning confusing, it’s undeniably an effective and powerful teaching strategy. But what is cooperative learning, and how does it work? Here’s everything you need to know about cooperative learning…
Lead with empathy. Natalie Standridge, CEO and founder of Casa de Corazón and Casa Franchising, shares how sticking to your values helps you lead, hire, and fire well. Natalie details the importance of emotional vulnerability in the workplace, her biggest wins as a leader and how EOS helped her face 2020 as a key worker.