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Why is the Denver Area a Great Place to Start a Casa Franchise?

March 10, 2022

Each city and community has a distinct culture and set of values. We believe that having bilingual education through our franchise is a necessity and would benefit every community, as the United States is a host to an increasingly growing number of Spanish speakers, and as our world becomes increasingly connected. 

So why is the Denver Area a great place to start a Casa franchise? We asked Denver natives what their community values and culture was like, and we compared it with our own. It became evident that a Casa center in this area would benefit the community and align with the area’s values. Thus, ensuring that Casa would become a positive force and would be welcomed.

How Does the Denver Area’s Culture Align with Casa’s?

Read about things the Denver area already does that embrace our core values listed below, such as celebrating major intercultural celebrations downtown and creating initiatives to preserve state parks. This is a great location for a Casa franchise!

Living Whole-heartedly

Denver natives are generally people who are grateful for those around them and value making meaningful connections. They are a culture who is welcoming and at the same time wants to share who they are because they have a strong sense of identity. Another thing that consistently came up was that Denver natives like to participate in community service. Many schools will take field trips to local food banks and fundraise to elevate everyone and give back. 


Around 20% of residents speak a different language at home and around 12% were born outside of the United States. These are indicators of a diverse and intercultural community. Many popular places around the state need bilingual employees. You will often encounter many people who do not speak English very well. Thus, speaking another language allows natives to engage more meaningfully with more members of their community.  

Life-Changing Innovation

Colorado is known for being a pioneer state and is consistently developing new and creative projects designed to make people’s lives better. Companies in this area do this by being progressive, supporting uniqueness, and welcoming differing points of view. 

Perpetual Growth

Around 46% of people in the Denver/Aurora/Lakewood area hold a bachelor’s degree, and many people’s mentality is consistently growing to have a positive impact. Denver stimulates a culture of passion and doing things that make you happy. 

Healthy and Holistic Impact

Colorado natives embrace this core value by consistently wanting to be outside. It is easy to do so when there is a great variety of activities for all types of interests. There have also been state-wide initiatives to promote healthy eating and food education. In schools there are often programs aimed at teaching children how to make healthy food taste good. And in the city there is a wide range of healthier food options. Denver also aims at having a holistic impact through their initiatives of preserving state parks and implementing recycling/compost programs that are easy to follow.

Pioneering Interculturality

Colorado attracts many people from around the United States and the world, thus, being curious, welcoming, and respectful is a must. Due to hosting a diverse population, Denver aims to make people feel at home. They celebrate major intercultural celebrations with parades and events downtown for everyone to enjoy and ask questions. 

image of a casa teacher with student at our Wisconsin franchise
Extended Family

Due to the diversity and all of the amazing things Colorado has to offer, Denver natives love to bond with others over similar interests and want to support each other. 

Now that we have shown some of the ways Denver’s culture aligns with our core values, read how we embrace them at Casa everyday! 

Interested in opening a Casa franchise in the Denver Market? Click here to inquire!

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