Indoor Activities For Young Children

Winter in the midwest means sometimes the windchill will not be our friend, the car will struggle to start, or we will want to bury ourselves under covers holding a warm cup on our laps. Yet, children might not always have the same idea. They’ll see the snow outside and maybe think the holidays are coming again, or they will want to get their clothes wet from trying to hide from you underneath the snow!
At Casa, we want to keep everyone safe and engaged! Thus, we have come up with some fun indoor activities to keep children active and warm inside.
Indoor Activities are very important to keep children moving and engaged during the winter. Although space is more limited, there are great activities. At Casa, we have created spaces inside to move around safely. Read below to get some inspiration this winter!
Educational Indoor Activities
- Playing with puzzles: Puzzles are interactive and will keep children occupied as they develop their vocabulary, coordination, and problem solving skills.
- Indoor scavenger hunt: Images with younger children will work best for this activity. Ask them to find items to work on their observation skills. Once they have found it, ask them to tell you everything they know and about how it works.
Physical Indoor Activities
- Soda Bottle Bowling, or use toilet paper rolls. The bowling ball can be a soft ball.
- Throwing a ball of newspaper at a target: Set up targets like pillows, toys, or other things around the living room and let them throw from a distance.
- Balloon volleyball: Another great way to repurpose old holiday decorations. Play together or let them bounce it to themselves in an open and clear space.
Food Indoor Activities
- Organize a picnic: They can either make-believe with their toys or join the picnic with them.
- The Casa Special Activity: Follow along at home with our country of the month! Visit a local restaurant and try new delicious food from this country or make something at home!

The Casa Connection:
We know it is very important to be active during the winter even when all we want to do is nap! Thus, we have created several indoor activities to help our children move. One of the games involves Tarjetas de Movimiento (movement cards), which are rhythmical cards to help everyone stay active. Children still use our indoor gym and outdoor playground as well when the weather permits!