7 Earth-Friendly Things We Do At Casa

As a company that interacts with many people on a daily basis and is able to set an example, we are always looking for ways in which we can improve. We are thankful to have active members in our community who have shared their knowledge on various subjects such as being earth-friendly. Over the years, we have dedicated much time to focusing on how we can positively impact both our communities and our planet. Being earth-friendly not only aligns with our core values, but it is the right thing to do to continue to give our children the world. Here are seven things we do at our centers to be eco-friendly.
7 Earth-Friendly Things We Do
- We Use Cloth Diapers
- We Use Compostable and Reusable Materials
- We Use Green Cleaning Products
- We Have Easily Accessible Recycling and Compost Bins
- We Encourage Gardening
- We Replenish Our Bodies with Organic and Local Foods
- We Turn Off All the Lights At the End of the Day
One: We Use Cloth Diapers
Cloth diapers are a great way to reduce our carbon footprint and produce less waste in our landfills. Some studies indicate that as many as 200,000 trees are cut down each year. Additionally, around 3.4 billion gallons of gas are used to manufacture disposable diapers in the United States. Disposable diapers use a lot more raw materials, water, and energy than cloth diapers. Another great benefit of using cloth diapers is that they are free of chemicals. Chemicals such as chlorine may be harmful to a baby’s thin and delicate skin thus causing irritation. And lastly, cloth diapers are great for potty training. A child will feel the wet diaper. Thus, seeking to avoid that by expressing their desire to go to the bathroom earlier.
Two: We Use Compostable and Reusable Materials
Our reusable intercultural worksheets were created to be long lasting and used by many of our children. These worksheets combine two of our core values: Healthy & Holistic Impact and Pioneering Interculturality. Our children are able to dive into each culture while we share why we must be respectful to the worksheets and how they impact our planet. Reusable materials are a great way to reduce waste and paper use.
If you walk around our centers you’ll notice that we love to get creative with our decorations and activities. We make art projects from materials that normally go into the recycling bin such as boxes, bags, and paper rolls. And during our clothing unit we ask families to bring in clothes they would normally throw away so that our children can learn about everyday items. By making these requests to our parents, we are connecting with them and also reminding them of our mission.
Three: We Use Green Cleaning Products
These cleaning products allow us to have a better environment and cleaner air for our young children to breathe. Biodegradable products are non-toxic for the environment and are better for children’s sensitive skin.
Four: We Have Easily Accessible Recycling and Compost Bins
This is a priority at each center so that every member of our community can join in our efforts of properly disposing of different items. Our staff is trained in this too so that they may teach our children from an early age. This will leave a long lasting impact and they will be more likely to follow these behaviors into adulthood. This program alone helps in our reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promotes proper breakdown of items, and conserves energy and raw materials. We also compost our paper towels to further eliminate waste.
Five: We Encourage Gardening
Gardening is great for our local pollinators and for restoring wildlife we have all eliminated due to construction. When we garden with our children we make sure to communicate these messages with them and teach them about the benefits of gardening for birds, insects, and our personal health.
Six: We Replenish Our Bodies with Organic and Local Foods
Eating local food allows us to be engaged in our local community and build meaningful relationships. Food transportation across borders requires lots of resources and fossil fuels, thus choosing local helps us reduce this consumption and we can support our local communities. Another thing you will notice with our meals is that they do not always contain a meat product. Meat consumption releases big amounts of greenhouse gasses, thus their reduction is key to have a positive impact.
Seven: We Turn Off All the Lights at the End of the Day
Lastly, we make sure that the last person always turns off all the lights in our centers to reduce our carbon footprint!
We are always open and looking for more ways to be kind to our planet. What programs would you implement in your Casa Center?
What Earth-Friendly initiatives would you implement in your Casa franchise?